I had this idea in the middle of the night that hosting an edcamp, like the one I've been hearing about in Vancouver recently, would be a great way to inspire local educators. I have been feeling disenchanted with the way pro-d and conferences are run – the “stand and deliver” model, or “sage on the stage” is not working for me lately! I realised that I need to learn more about what edcamp is: Is it offered in other cities? How would I get one organised for my city? Who are the “experts” that I might contact to inform/help me? Who could I contact locally that might buy in to the idea and help me “sell” it? How could I arrange it so it tapped into the local pro-d calendar, as well as nearby districts? How could I attract attendees from out of district? How can I get myself to an edcamp so I know a little more about them?
Here is some of what I've discovered so far:
David Wees's (@davidwees) post on his blog, 21st Century Educator: http://bit.ly/ee0ito
Chris Wejr (@MrWejr) on “Reflections of an EdCamper": http://bit.ly/gnv8Z5
Planning an EdCamp, a four part series by Mary Beth Hertz (@mbteach) on edutopia.org: http://bit.ly/bb0Eu2
The official edcamp wiki: http://bit.ly/9F5Zhu
An article on PLP by M.E. Steele-Pierce (@steelepierce) on the Unconference: http://bit.ly/gj0OA6
While this list is not comprehensive, it is certainly fueling my enthusiasm and is somewhere to start. I've also thought to contact a couple folks with local connections to the teacher pro-d and admin pro-d committees. I'd like to tap into the folks who organised the Vancouver event, and will continue to follow the posts on Twitter with #edcamps.
Part of my inspiration is from the folks I follow and read about through Twitter and the blogosphere. How do I share the power of this with my local colleagues? Folks like Cale Birk, Justin Tarte, George Couros (and Connected Principals), Chris Kennedy, David Wees, Tim Winkleman, Tom Altpeter, Chris Wejr, Tom Whitby, Eric Sheninger, David Truss, Mary Beth Hertz, Kelly Tenkely, and so many more get me really jazzed about working in schools. I want to share the enthusiasm I feel from being connected with these people. I want to be one of the people who helps shape the culture of my district and our profession. I want to be an exceptional, influential educational leader, and not so I can stand at the front of a conference room like some kind of rock star, but to help lead my profession in new and innovative directions, to provide an exceptional learning environment for our students and my children and a rich and fulfilling working environment for educators.
One final note: I've been blogging for one month now, and I'm amazed by the rejuvenative effects I've felt. Reading, writing and thinking are restoring a balance that had been lost for me. Thanks to those who have helped me along thus far!
Hi Dan,
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to volunteer with a PGEdcamp and know of a few other folks that would be interested as well - drop me a line @grantpotter and we can start laying some groundwork.